Thursday, May 21, 2009

...This Website Isn't Bad...

The Harry Potter fansite called: is one of the better book sites i've seen. The layout is really nice and the website is very easy to navigate. There is a lot of useful stuff such as a countdown to the release of the HPB movie, a forum where fans can discuss things, quizzes, a book club, games, detailed information about the books and movies, and information on J.K. Rowling.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ode to Percy Jackson Series

These 5 years have been great ones
Because Percy Jackson has made them fun
When I read the very first book
I knew that I was hooked
The book was such a big attraction
Because they are packed with action
And surrounded in unanswered questions and mystery
Its so good that I'm sure it will go down in history
I hope that everyone will read this masterpiece
And I hope that it will always fly as high as the geese

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I finished reading the Last Olympian in 2 days which is a new record for me. The book was great. It was basically all action right from the very beginning. It had some really unexpected plot twists and answered all of my questions from the previous books. Some really unexpected plot twists were that the bad guy turned out to be the hero that saved everyone in the end. Also it was sort of a cliff hanger because towards the end there was a new "great prophecy". Also Rick Riordan said that there was going to be a second camp half blood series and I think that that is just cruel because I just spent all this time waiting for the last book of this series and then he says that thee's a new series!

My Rating:


I got the Last Olympian, YAY! Unfortunately the book is faulty because on 3 of the pages the ink is faded.